25 Mar 2008 12:05 PM:
Sorry for not being clear!
Every local branch of the National Police will accept applications for, process, and then issue the NIE Number certificates to the individuals themselves (in person). What some (many in fact) will not allow is for someone else to submit an application on their behalf. (E.G. if you did not want to wait in line for hours, and would rather have someone else apply for you).
I'm afraid I have never heard of a "black and white code". If you let me know where you heard of this, then I can investigate further. Additionally, the "foreigners office" is a term often used to describe the department for foreigners within the National Police (where the NIE Numbers are applied for and obtained). It can be confused with the Town Hall's department (where you would do empadronamiento, NOT apply for / collect an NIE Number. Do remember, this is the National Police of Spain, not your local poilce or the guardia civil (these are different).
Regarding the tax, you have stated that your partner has their NIE number (perhaps not the certificate, but he knows the number - e.g. if he has a Social Security - orange - card, it would be printed on there) therefore you should have no fear that the taxes you paid were allocated properly.
Note that having the NIE Number is one thing, and having the NIE Number certificate is entirely different. The number is yours for life, and even if you KNOW the number, that is sufficient for many purposes. (E.G. opening a bank account, on the application form you simply write in the number). However when signing for the purchase of a property, the NIE Number is not only used for tax purposes, but the certificate itself (original) is used as a form of identification. This is why the notaries often require the original certificate.
It is highly unlikely that you have an "illegal NIE Number". As for your solicitor, if (in their local area) they cannot apply for / collect the NIE Number on your behalf, then there is very little they can do (apart from travelling themselves to a town that would allow them to do so).
NIE Certificate