15 Sep 2007 9:20 AM:
We have found this forum to be very very useful. I am currently in the process of clearing out about 11 years worth of accumulated junk - and there is a lot of it, all sitting in the front room. Unfortunately after running up and down the loft all day yesterday I don't think I have the energy to do a bootfair!
We are waiting for exchange of contracts (which will hopefully be very soon) and are intending to rent initially whilst we work out the areas/schools etc - we will be bringing out our computer so that when we get out to Spain we can contact as many people as possible to make sure that we make the right choices with respect to areas, property etc etc and all your help is gratefully received. It would be great to meet up with as many of you as possible and we are very excited about starting our new life in Spain.
Your gran sounds like an amazing person!
The Norffys
Just joined - just starting