21 Apr 2010 12:00 AM:
Hi, does anybody know the situation regarding community rules and regulations and drying laundry outside?
We've had a community notice stating that the "hanging of clothes or towels on the balcony or visible washing lines is against community rules".
I totally agree with discouraging the hanging of towels/laundry over balconies, but I am unsure as to whether they are allowed to rule against the use of non-permanent washing lines. Due to the construction nature of most residential buildings in this area, it would be virtually impossible to utilise any form of outside drying that wasn't visible to someone!
We have friends who live in the USA, who also suffered similar problems with their community complaining about them using a telescopic line. However, the President, after speaking with the local council, were told that they were unable to enforce this rule for environmentally-friendly reasons/reduction in carbon emissions, as they would then have been forced to use electrical drying methods. There are many States within the USA who have now brought in 'Right to Dry' legislation which overrules any community rules or restrictions.
Does anybody know if the EU/Spain has a similar stance, especially as we are supposed to be more aware of the benefits of being energy efficient and helping to reduce greenhouse gases?
This message was last edited by OC on 21/04/2010.
Community Rules and Washing Lines