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22 Aug 2011 10:01 PM:

HaHaHa, since when was the Dolphin a restaurant?  This lovely bar has been one of my favourite bars for years.  We used to come over from Estepona frequently just to visit before we moved to this area.  It gets a bit busy at this time of year, as do all good bars here in the port, so service would be expected to be slower than the norm ( I usually wait no longer than 2 minutes) but i think you are stretching it a bit to say you waited over an hour Visatelli.  As for the staff, I know they only have one English waitress who has always serves me with a smile and a warm greeting.  I know the girls in there would never be so petty as to put things in your food, only fresh ingredients! 

I can only assume you were in a parallel universe that day and had actually walked into a "restaurant" that was in your mind alone.

Thread: Dolphin restaurant in La Duquesa port


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