12 Mar 2016 12:06 PM:
Hello Everybody,
Way back in 2008/9 I was President of my Community, but sadly had to resign due to tragic personal circumstances, and I am only now poking a tentative toe back in to the muddy water of community affairs !!
I have thoroughly refreshed my memory of the Horizontal Property Laws and can find nothing specific enough to answer my question, so I'm hoping someone may be able to help me with this.
Back in 2008, I was under the impression that all community expenditure had to be approved in the annual budget at the AGM by owners, and that the only permitted digression from that was in an absolute emergency when the elected committee were allowed to deal with it.
This is certainly not the case now, and there seems to be a large amount of unauthorised expenditure going on !! When I raised the matter at the last AGM, I was told that the HPL had changed and that the committee was now allowed to spend up to 5000 euros without owners prior approval.
I know there have been changes to the HPL in recent years, but I can find nothing to either confirm or deny what I was told, which I have to say I find extremely hard to believe !! Neither is there any evidence of a 5000 euro limit having been agreed by owners in previous minutes of meetings.
Any help or current information on this would be very much appreciated, thank you.
This message was last edited by On a mission ! on 12/03/2016.
Question about Community Expenditure