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Rach-Sam's latest forum comments

15 Aug 2009 10:05 PM:

Thanks very much for your comments , it has been a great help .

We had a plan to save enough money to rent an apartment for a month for example then whilst there find a job

and plan to live there for about 6 months as we have research that most employees offer 3 , 6 and 9 month contracts.

We were planning on going there March / April time , just in time for the ' Summer Boom '


Many Thanks once again

Rach x

Thread: Bar Work Wages / Monthly Income

14 Aug 2009 12:17 AM:


Is that a standard wage throughout spain ?

  Rach x

Thread: Bar Work Wages / Monthly Income

13 Aug 2009 12:00 AM:

Just wondering how much it would be to buy a second hand moped while in living in spain






This message was last edited by Rach-Sam on 13/08/2009.
Thread: Buying Mopeds While in Espana

13 Aug 2009 12:00 AM:

Hi all

Me and my friend are looking to move to Spain early next year ,

We are Hoping for bar jobs and we think we've already got an apartment lined up.

Weve Covered the basics like spainish bank accounts  , Paying Bills , Water and Gas etc

We have come to crossroads though on the wages front

So we are just wondering if anyone has any info on what the wages are like for bar jobs

And if anyone knows an average figure for what we are looking at earn monthly / per hour

Any information would be greatly recieved

Many Thanks

Rach x x



This message was last edited by Rach-Sam on 13/08/2009.
Thread: Bar Work Wages / Monthly Income


Spain insurance services

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