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21 Nov 2008 12:00 AM:

Looking for advice please.

I am 7 months in arrears on a La Caixa mortgage. Lots of things happened to bring me to this situation including negligence by the previous branch manager which the bank are quietly admitting to having also removed him and saying they want a solution to the situation without looking back into the past!

However as we know talk is cheap and the legal proceedings keep going.

It took me 4 months to eventallu get a meeting with the area manager who denied ever having received letters from me despite showing him the recorded delivery certificates and hand delivering copies to the new branch manager!

At this meeting i was told they would come up with a solution in 7 days for me.After waiting 2 weeks i spoke to the branch manager who said there suggestion was to find someone English in the town and get them to remortgage their house to give me the money to pay off the arrears. He said they could´nt think of anything else!

I wrote back to the area manager obviously disnissing the banks suggestions and offering reduced payments and review dates as well as 3 suggestions to move forward with the situation pointing out yet again the previous bank managers negligence.

Surprisingly! after 3 weeks i still have no reply even though i know from the recorded delivery receipt that the letter has arrived and been signed for.

So my question is what do ido next? The bank ignore letters,phone calls,don´t turn up to arranged meetings etc so i don´t know what to do next.

The manager and area manager refuse to give me a senior persons contact details at the head office and did´nt know who the director general of the bank was! Until i showed them his name and picture at which point they said he was to busy to deal with people like me!

Is there anyway i can show i have been trying in vain to get the situation resolved as i´m waiting for a dreaded knock on the door sayingheres a court date.Is there any legal act i can quote saying the bank have to talk to me and respond?

I have written to the director general of the bank copying all my previous letters and notes etc but guess what no reply after two weeks.

Thanks for reading hope someone can offer advice


Thread: La Caixa Mortgage Problems


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