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10 Jan 2013 9:04 AM:

I am planning on buying a Tom Tom to use whilst in Spain.   Can anyone please advise on the best make to purchase and do these come with the ability to use in Spain.  Never bought one before and have no idea where to start.  Thanks a lot. 


Thread: Tomtom use in Spain ?

30 Oct 2012 9:48 AM:

Hi Everyone

I would like to thank everyone for their advice yesterday.  It has all been very helpful and its comforting to know that its not just us this is happening to.  We will pay the bill and ask our  friend to take a meter reading and go to the nearest Endesa office. The bills are probably just estimates and hopefully once everything is sorted we will be entitled to a refund.  We will also make sure - this time - a DD is set up to avoid all of this happening.  Its scary how things can differ so much from one country to another.  Of course if you dont speak much Spanish the language barrier can be a huge problem. 

Again thanks a lot to everyone.




29 Oct 2012 4:56 PM:

I hope you can help.  I have been having nothing but problems with my electricity from Endesa for years now.
I bought my house in Arboleas Almeria about 7 years ago and am still waiting for the title deeds but that’s another problem I don’t want to get into.  My main problem is the electricity.  We don’t live in the house and came to Spain in February as reasons unbeknown to us the electricity had been cut off.  We paid the bills up to date and were told it would be reconnected.  Our solicitor said she would set up a direct debit for us, which we know now she had not done.  We have a friend who is now living in the house and has been since the 5 October this year.  The electricity was on and for no reason was suddenly cut off last week.  I emailed our solicitor and asked why and she said due to lack of payment!!!  She went to Olula to sort this out and emailed us copies of the electricity bills, which total 235 Euros!!!!  How on earth can these be right?  There has been no one in the house since we paid our bills in February up until the 5 October – no one has ever lived in the house since we bought it.  The bills vary between 35 – 70 Euros per month.  Obviously they are in Spanish and I have tried translating them but cannot understand a lot of it. 
Firstly what is a standing monthly charge (bearing in mind the house is empty)?
I understand IVA probably means VAT but thought this was 16%, has this increased?
Obviously Endesa have made a mistake but will not switch it on until we pay the bill. But we don’t want to pay the bill in case we don’t get our money back.  What would you suggest we do?
Thank you so much for your advice.
Louise Richardson



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