18 Feb 2016 11:04 AM:
Thank you everyone for your kind posts and messages of support..
I will continue to fight for what i am owed.
Ive just sent the following email to Mr Duran:
Mr Duran,
It is clear you are either incapable or reluctant to calculate the monies you owe me, so i have done it:
Difference between money sent
and needed 1780 euros
Tax reclaimed (or not, but should have been) 3500 euros
Your fee (refunded because your service has been less than acceptable) 500 euros
Compensation for the distress caused by your incompetence 500 euros (so far, this figure is likely to increase)
Total 6280
You have my account details, so can you ensure payment is made in the next 7 days please.
Ill keep you posted. I would be happy to report it to the Bar Association, if someone can guild me to the correct address. I am shocked to hear that it may be common pratice, and something needs to be done.
Spanish Lawyer still has 5000 euros of mine