19 Jan 2017 9:26 AM:
Here in Oxford we always give physio starting the day after the op. Its essential to gain as much mobility and retain as much tone as possible to aid with a faster recovery with reduced pain.
The partial procedure is usually undertaken for trauma patients and a full replacement for patients with disease.
The OP does not give a reason for the replacement but if through trauma there may be other factors which need to be taken into account for the period of recovery.
In general hip replacement recovery varies with patients, age fitness weight and deterination being some factors; this can be from a time frame of 4 weeks to 6 months.
My wife as a consultant surgeon is suprised that no physio was involved, and gives the above info based on the local protocols and patient outcomes in her specialist ortho Hospital.
Suggest the OP goes to another specialist centre as with time it becomes more difficult to put right.
Best of luck.
Hip Op