10 Aug 2010 11:47 AM:
Thanks for the replies. Our trip went well. I managed to get quite a bit done, bits and pieces indoors and the main task was to rebuild the front porch and fit a new door to make it more secure. Youre right, the temperatures were staggering, just mixing a barrow of mortar produced about a gallon of water from my body! Ive never drank so much water......We boought the door from a chap in the village of freilla (another cave village by the side of the beautiful lake Negratine) By shopping around we managed to get the price down by 150 euros, so that was a result. Im back out again very soon to crack on with the electrics, it'llbe a bit cooler working inside!
Thanks for the link to Spanish Inland Properties, thats who we bought the cave from, they were really helpfull and did everything for us.
Cant put a picture up, it says im not allowed until my account has been approved? Ive put some picture on the link in my signature 
This message was last edited by SIP CAVEMAN on 10/08/2010.
Im new and im going to move to a Spanish Cave House!