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14 Sep 2018 6:06 PM:

I'm not sure about all of the costs involved here but one significant cost will be the 6.5% transfer tax you'll have to pay.  Nothing's ever free in Spain!

Thread: My friends looking at gifting his spainish property

11 Jun 2017 10:13 PM:


I bought a property in Malaga province in early 2014.  I sold it a couple of months back and this seems to have triggered a complenentaria tax demand.  So far all I have received from the Andalucian tax authorities is a notification to say they disagree with the valuation of the property i.e. they think it was worth more than the price I paid.

The letter says I have 10 days to get an independent valuation done to challenge this.  However, I only received the letter (via my lawyer) a month after the tax office sent it, so it's too late to appeal.  It looks like I'll be stung for around 3,000 euroas extra tax.

I am now back in the UK and no longer resident in Spain.  I have no intention of paying this additional tax.  It seems like daylight robbery.  I've always done things properly in Spain - paid all my taxes etc but this is a joke.

I'm in the process of closing my Spanish bank accounts so they can't embargo them and help themselves to my money.

Am I likely to have any issues if I don't pay this?  Are they likely to chase me through the UK courts for such a relatively small amount?

Thanks in advance.

Thread: Complementaria tax

09 Jun 2017 3:53 PM:

Thanks for your help John.

Thread: paying non resident tax

09 Jun 2017 3:09 PM:

Hi John,

Thanks for that.

I'll pop in to the bank next week when I'm over.   Does that mean I don't have to post the actual tax return to Hacienda?  I just pay at the bank then that's it?  As far as I can see, when you fill in the form online, it's not actually submitted to Hacienda....


Thread: paying non resident tax

09 Jun 2017 2:42 PM:


I begrudge paying my accountant 40 euros for submitting the form (I can fill it out myself).

I'm already registered with a @clave PIN but frustratingly, it only allows you to do certain things on line.  I've just managed to complete and submit my Modelo 030 to say I'm non-resident, but it won't let me submit the Modelo 210 online with the @clave PIN.  You need either a digital certificate or you have to print off the form.

See here:


The @clave PIN icon is greyed out and all you can do it the Predeclaration (green icon).

Johnzx, how were you able to submit Modelo 210 online without a digital certificate?

Thanks in advance


Thread: paying non resident tax


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