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30 May 2015 2:43 AM:

I was at the Malaga Airport last week awaiting my flight to Madrid. An ATM machine had dispensed 50 and 100 euro notes, and much to my chagrin none of the stores I visited in the terminal were able to provide change. 

So I visited the Exact Change kiosk, and asked one of the clerks to change a 50 euro note into smaller denominations. He refused, saying he wouldn't unless I used his 'services'. No other customers were anywhere near, so it wasn't a question of scarce resources. He simply was too lazy to assist. The situation is akin to restaurants the refuse to provide a glass of water unless you purchase something on the menu.

As I left, I could hear the clerk laughing at me with his colleagues. 

Obviously not the end of the world, but astonishingly rude. Others have claimed on this forum that the Exact Change Kiosk ripped them off....based on my experience, that wouldn't be surprising. 



This message was last edited by Scottblue on 30/05/2015.
Thread: Exact Change Kiosk at Malaga Airport: Avoid


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