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26 Aug 2016 12:34 PM:

Many thanks Roberto, to narrow it down, I had the idea of somewhere like Costa Blanca, not too far from an airport, just somewhere to sit out the winter.


Been a tough year for the family, they need some Spanish chill out time!



Thread: New to Spain..Any suggestions?

26 Aug 2016 10:39 AM:

Many thanks for the replies, to be a little clearer, just looking for a bolt hole for the winter, close to local services etc.

Not been frighten off...yet!

Just wondered if any of the members know of reasonbly priced long term lets?


Many thanks Sinners

Thread: New to Spain..Any suggestions?

19 Aug 2016 12:07 PM:

Just thought I'd introduce myself, I have been living oversea's in Canada for many years, but have returned back to the UK to work.

I am returning back to Canada next year, but I am not looking forward to those long cold winters, so I am heading to Spain for the winter.

I would like some suggestions if possible on long term lets for the winter, I am looking for a modest, 2- bedroom property. I will be working from home, but will also be working in the UK/Canada and I need somewhere close to local services, so that my wife and daughter can look after themselves in my absence.

Although I am in the restaurant/hotel trade, I can pretty much fit into any job, I know the timing for the winter is wrong, but I would also be looking for P/T work as well.

With these factors in mind, would any of the members have any suggestions or idea;s for a winter in the sun!




Thread: New to Spain..Any suggestions?


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