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02 Jul 2020 9:34 AM:

I have been in contact with the administrator who said the decision to charge all houses equally was made before the community of owners existed and is in our titles.

Having checked the statutes and certification logged with Registro de Propiedad it does mention the equal part fees in the notes. But there is a standalone sentence in the main document stating "no se certifica del estado de cargas por habrese solicitado asi expresamente", there is not much context so could refer to other types of charges perhaps? 

Thread: Ownership quotas and community fees

01 Jul 2020 9:55 AM:

Thank you very much for taking the time to reply, it is most helpful!

Thread: Ownership quotas and community fees

30 Jun 2020 11:31 PM:

In our community, each house has a % quota assigned which weighs the votes at the AGM (bigger house, bigger vote). But every house in the community is paying the same community fee, regardless of ownership quota. If we all pay the same fee, surely everyone's vote should count the same? Any advise is appreciated!

Thread: Ownership quotas and community fees


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