06 Feb 2012 10:10 AM:
Thank you everyone for taking time to respond to my question.
I'm sorry if I didn't make myself completely clear in the beginning.
I was trying to find out about being able to get JSA here in Spain whilst also signing on and registering for work here.
I think what I have managed to understand now is that my husband would be eligible as he would have paid enough NI contributions, what we think he may need to do is remain in the UK for and extra 4 weeks, registering as a jobseeker before he can transfer that benefit to here.
I would like to add that it is not our intention to " scrounge ". or " or "work " the system as I know a lot of expats have manged to do. JSA would be based on the NI contributions my husband has paid. We hope that whilst signing on here he might actually be offered employment, if this was possible he wouldn't have to return to the UK and we wouldn't have to spend so much time apart.
This being said we love living in Spain, my husband always says that he can cope with the seperations knowing that he has his life here in Spain to return to.
Thanks again to everyone.
SpanishFruitcake ( nutty as. lol )
Claiming job seekers allowance in Spain