¿Quien es Suemac?

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Soy... una mujer

Sobre mi... Have retired to Spain with my partner, John, also hoping to find some part-time work as a complementary therapist.

Vivo en... Jumilla, Murcia

Me gusta... Writing. Complementary health. Running. Going to the gym. Meeting friends. Reading. Creative writing.

Trabajo de... Part-time complementary therapist and writer.

Mi firma en el foro es...

 Sue Walker

Author of "Retiring the Ole Way", now available on Amazon

See my blog about our life in Spain: www.spainuncovered.com

Suemac's latest forum comments

04 Jul 2015 9:48 PM:

Thank you for the helpful link.

Thread: Spanish law regarding renting out property short term

04 Jul 2015 5:32 PM:

I've been doing some google searches on behalf of some friends, who are thinking of renting out their house during the summer. Do they need to get a licence from the Ayuntamiento, and what are the financial/tax implications?

Thread: Spanish law regarding renting out property short term

11 Sep 2012 9:47 AM:

Yes, well done, Andy!  We couldn't find the match on Spanish TV (John thinks it was on Eurosport, which we don't have) and it wasn't on any channels that we could see on line.  I did watch the BBC and US Open websites for a while, but it's not that exciting watching text and live score updates!  It was probably lucky that I couldn't watch it, as we had to be up early this morning and I guess it must have finished pretty late as it went to five sets.  Just seen that Pat and Roy posted at 03.44!

What a fantastic summer of sports! 


Thread: Tennis Well done Andy Murray

15 Jul 2012 3:21 PM:

 We have been lucky so far in not needing to use the Spanish national health system (touch wood!) however many of our friends of a similar age have not been so fortunate.  The good news though is that their experiences have tended to be very positive and they all say they wouldn't have received such good treatment if they had been back in the UK.

My general advice is to adopt the Spanish way of eating and drinking e.g.  if you're out in the evening for a few drinks with friends, always have tapas with your drinks. When you are having wine with a meal, also ask for "agua", especially in the summer months. Make the most of your local market, with lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, plus go to your local pescadería and carnicería for fresh fish and meat.  We have noticed that Spanish supermarkets are stocking more ready meals than when we first moved here, but on the whole Spanish families still prepare most meals from scratch. 

Try and get some exercise every day.  We see groups of Spanish women (and men) out for walks in the morning, wearing trainers rather than their usual high heels (the women), so clearly taking it fairly seriously - though not walking so fast that they can't keep up a conversation, judging by the noise!


Thread: Healthy in Spain

18 Jun 2012 4:08 PM:

Some very valid points have been made about environment.  My uncle and aunt told me that my Mum was worse than I realised, however when I took some leave and stayed with her she seemed more like her usual self.  I noticed though that when she was watching Countdown (one of her favourite programmes) she wasn't trying to guess the words, so I encouraged her to do so.  She was still able to get lots of words, so she just needed some stimulation.  She did start forgetting things but my younger cousin, who also lives on her own, said she did too.  Hz, only you know your Mum and only you can know what's best for her.  Good luck!

Thread: moving my mother to spain


Suemac' blogs

Retiring types? Not us!
"Our trials and tribulations trying to buy a property in Spain - then our adventures in Jumilla, far from the costas, as we start our new life in Spain."
Last Updated: 2/17/2010 10:44:15 PM
Lifetime Views: 17600

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