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09 Dec 2017 1:16 AM:

No problem Brian....


Simón. ....but my girlfriend thought it was funny too....heyho

Thread: Transfering private pension money

09 Dec 2017 1:16 AM:

No problem Brian....


Simón. ....but my girlfriend thought it was funny too....heyho

Thread: Transfering private pension money

08 Dec 2017 5:03 PM:

Well it should have....been Peter Frampton. ......so sorry for that...an Ooopa. But my phone decides to change....as l speak castillano....so it thinks ....Mmm..we'll change that when he's not looking....so again sorry folks

Recuerdos Simón 

Thread: Transfering private pension money

08 Dec 2017 10:07 AM:

Replying to all who have kindly bothered to reply...

Thank you all for such a quick response.

I have passed all your comments onto my sister..Maybe she can sort it out bit by bit...over the coming weeks.

However, please keep your thought opens....if anyone knows of a GOOD company over here that can give some free advice then. ....as Peter Crampon sang...'Don't hesitate' 

Thanks Simón 


Thread: Transfering private pension money

07 Dec 2017 9:20 AM:

Hi there.

I am writing this note as my sister is pulling her hair out about transferring a private pension...and is now informed that she has to pay 25% tax in the uk and then pay tax over here...before she can touch it...this rule was introduced this year 2017 in the uk...maybe somebody could advise me if there is another way to overcome this issue.She is retired and wishes to move from the south up to Cataunya a and stay with me...She has a Spanish pension as has worked here in Spain for more than 8 years. She has tried to get advice but nobody calls her back or even replies...can anyone help. 

Thanks Simon

Thread: Transfering private pension money


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