23 Oct 2017 10:21 AM:
Acer, thank you for your disturbing reply. If what you say is correct then all the more reason to do your own Modelo 210, if you can. It is one of the simpler forms to tackle.
Johnx, thank you for your reply. You are one of the most helpful people on this website and are always willing to give posters the benefit of your experience.
Steve C: odd comment? People come here for information and help all the time and what may seem 'the same comment' could be welcome new information to a recent or infrequent poster or viewer researching a topic,
Neatrees: thanks also for your reply giving information on where to get Valor Catastral. However this was not my problem. I needed to find out when the VC had last been reviewed in my area and was having great difficulty in finding the information. Since last year this is part of the criteria for doing the calculation for the Modelo 210. Ie. x 1.1% if VC has been rewiewed in last 10 years, but x 2%, if not. x 2% almost doubled the amount of tax to be paid so it was important to find out.
My Spanish is not brilliant so was reticent to phone the Town Hall. I also have a hearing problem which makes it doubly difficult. I have been trying to find an email for our local Town Hall without success. This may have solved the problem. That will be my next quest!
Modelo 210