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The Presidents Club International www.tpci.es

TPCI's latest forum comments

22 Feb 2016 2:53 PM:

If it is the same property, some agents list it with a different commission. But what you find is that is not the same property, but there are several available in the urbanisation, the developer/bank has one, there are let´s say, 2 resales and have different specifications. Also, some agents increase the price because the banks pay just a 1% or 2% commision of the selling price and the normal percentage is 5%. Best option if the bank has one...go with them.

Thread: Where do agents get there price from.


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One stop shop for expats in Spain
"The Presidents Club International (TPCI) can be your “one-stop shop” to help with your day-to-day life in Spain. We’re here to help you, FREE of charge, no matter whether you’re a President of a community, an owner, a tenant or just a tourist visiting the area. Our original intention was to provide a service to community Presidents on the Costa del Sol, to help with, the sometimes complicated, management and legal obligations of running their communities. However, it soon became evident that residents, non-residents, owners, tenants and tourists alike, would benefit from TPCI membership. "
Last Updated: 3/7/2016 1:12:37 PM
Lifetime Views: 20069

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