08 Apr 2017 11:09 AM:
You are not wrong there Windy - the cost of living in Spain is quite a lot higher than in UK now in many respects. I have been considering returning to UK for business reasons after many years in Spain and on a recent excursion to look at property, I took notice of UK prices generally (for the first time) and was genuinely surprised at the choices and competitive prices of most commodities - especially food and cars. However the main thing that struck me was the ease and speed of dealing with govenment departments and having immediate access to business facilties such as internet comparison sites and on-line suppliers. Being able to get everything I want during the day in UK - knowing the suppliers will be open is also a plus for me. Please don't get me wrong I am not denigrating Spain - it's just a huge cultural gap between the two countries that prevents Spain wanting to update it's systems and its way of conducting business -the facilities are here but just not used. I love Spain but it is struggling financially and I believe it will get worse. Will I return to UK? I don't know...........
Electricity costs