28 May 2008 8:50 AM:
Is true that as the market has slowed down Medsea, has got rid of some good staff, but it doesn´t mean that Medsea is dissapearing, it´s just adjusting to the market demand. Medsea is fully functional and has no problems whatsoever, keeps with the normal work schedule and supporting actual and potential clients forever. Just to let everybody know that Medsea will keep on doing good for the British, European and the Spanish market for a long long time. Tour visits, appointments, meets, and so on, are continiously in Medsea boards, and after sales keeps with the normal inspections at properties for clients and giving the same service that has been procured since 1982.
I hope with this i have helped to understand the real situation of Medsea Estates and time will prove i am right.
As you said Eva, Medsea is a good company, has good staff, honest and qualified, and is an alive company that has to move with the market to stay alive, and that is the only reason.
Medsea Properties