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Soy... un hombre

Vivo en... El Campello (holiday home)

Me gusta... Gardening, history, railways

amogles's latest forum comments

19 Feb 2025 10:51 AM:

I had a local Spanish electrician in to do some small jobs, and I asked him to take a look at my house and give me his opinion on the prospects of installing solar panels. He said, if you do it, know you are doing it for the planet or for your green credentials or just to feel good, or whatever, but don't expect these things to ever pay for themselves and don't expect this subsidy thing to work. He said the government are a bunch of (colourful Spanish expletives deleted)

That is of course the opinion of one blunt and honest sparky. Your mileage may vary.


This message was last edited by amogles on 2/19/2025.
Thread: Solar panels

21 Jan 2025 11:53 AM:

Most of these links are from Murcia, Almeria and further South. Typically, but with some expections, Spain gets cheaper the further South you go. Valencia is more costly. But this is offset by things such as infrastructure. I wouldn't want to be reliant on public transport in rural Almeria for example, but where I am in El Campello in Alicante province, you really don't need a car at all as public transport is so top notch. This is also something that you need to consider as you maybe get older and don't want to be reliant on driving for every little chore.

So its about what you need and what you want to spend on it. When stuff gets cheaper, its often for a reason.

Also, the further you move away from the coast, the cheaper it gets. In some inland villages, even in Valencia or Albacete province, 70,000 can buy you a farmhouse with oodles of land, or a nice village house in decent condition with several bedrooms. 


This message was last edited by amogles on 1/21/2025.
Thread: Location advice

14 Jan 2025 11:16 AM:

about "long term rental contract", I understand the authorities use this formulation as a way to differentiate from holiday rental, which is ruled by different laws. So I guess a holiday rental contract might be for a few weeks whereas a long term one would be open ended, or at least valid for months if not years. If in doubt I would consult a lawyer, who could probably guide you through all the necessary steps while taking many of the chores and difficult bits off your shoulders .

Thread: applying for residency,

20 Apr 2022 5:11 PM:

Thanks for sharing your experiences.

On arriving at Alicante everything was OK. There was a bit of a queue and a jostle as they checked QR codes but they did it efficiently and the queue moved quickly. My QR code scanned on the first attempt and I was waved through, but my wife's didn't scan for some reason (even though we had filled in our forms at the same time) so they asked to see the original certificate and were fine with that.

On the way back there were no checks whatsoever.


This message was last edited by amogles on 4/20/2022.

This message was last edited by amogles on 4/20/2022.
Thread: Recent airport experiences

20 Apr 2022 5:05 PM:

Last time I was tested the lady in the clinic didn't want to see my ID because she "believed me" that that was my real name.

I can see lots of space for abusing the system here. The value of tests is thus diminished.

Thread: COVID 19 Testing


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