¿Quien es amylouise07?

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Soy... una mujer

Sobre mi... My boyfriend and I are trying to start a life together in Altea!! Both from the UK.

Vivo en... The UK currently

Me gusta... Travel

Mi firma en el foro es...

Amy Lou

amylouise07's latest forum comments

06 May 2010 12:00 AM:

 I am trying to research different care homes in Altea and the surrounding areas as I am hoping to find work in that sector.  Does anyone know of how I go about finding care homes on the net?  i have tried to search for them but ofcourse had not had that much luck.  If anyone knows of any websites or just names and numbers of care/residential homes in the area I would really appreciate it! 


Thread: Any information on care work in Altea?

30 Mar 2010 5:28 PM:

Hi everyone, thankyou for the responses.  I already had an idea that it would be like that.  I am trying to see is I can pick up some bar/restaurant work in Altea/surrounding area for the time being until we can sort of find our feet.  I have been looking into taking an English teaching course eventually but for now we just want to save some money so we can get a place to live and then once we have ticked certain boxes, we can go from there.  Does anyone know of anywhere that might be hiring for the summer in Altea?  If there is any other info anyone can offer it would be greatly appreciated.  I am just trying to get as much info as possible before we make any decisions!  Also.......does anyone know exactly what the average weekly wage is in that area?  Or if there are any useful websites (aside from this one, ofcourse) that might be able to open our eyes up a bit?  I have been looking, I just wondered if anyone else could enlighten me!  Thankyou again all



Thread: In need of help!!!

29 Mar 2010 12:00 AM:

Does anyone have any advice about working in Altea?  My partner and I are hopefully going to be moving there soon and we are finding it difficult to find work!  Any help would be gladly appreciated!  Many thanks,

Amy and Jon

Thread: Working in Altea

29 Mar 2010 12:00 AM:

Hello everyone, my partner and I are planning to move to Altea together soon.  We are from the UK but my partner currently is living in Altea.  We are in need of some help from anyone who knows where/how we go about finding work? If anyone knows of any good websites-anything at all, it would be greatly appreciated! To my knowledge, it seems to be quite difficult finding jobs in the town and surrounding area. 



Thread: In need of help!!!


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