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Soy... un hombre

Sobre mi... Retired ex-police officer

Vivo en... Exeter

Me gusta... Reading & enjooying family life

Trabajo de... Government Service

Mi firma en el foro es...

Andy Anderson

andy3159's latest forum comments

30 Jan 2008 7:10 PM:

Legally, Len and Helen Prior have a strong case.  Under the Human Right Act, which Spain has signed up to, the European Convention of Human Rights, Article 2 - Right to Life and Article 8 - Right to Respect for family and private life, provide they are afforded protection.  Clearly there has been a misunderstanding between two authorities.  At this stage, I would argue that it is academic who is in the wrong, the important factor is, a couple have been made homeless having adhered to the legal requirements of that authority, albeit, someone within that authority has acted incorrectly (some one elses problem!).

Whilst it may be a protracted case, I strongly suggest that they, and any othe couple in similar circumstances seek the advice of a solicitor who is competent in European Law.  Compensation will follow.




Thread: Home demolished in Vera


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