¿Quien es bhfps?

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Soy... un hombre

Sobre mi... Retiring to Spain in 2014

Vivo en... York

Me gusta... Golf, gardening, IT and Internet research

Trabajo de... Retired

Mi firma en el foro es...


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Al Andalus Veranda Agua

bhfps' blogs

Hello Everyone on Veranda
"Ann and I have just completed our first visit to Veranda and have just returned to the rains in York. It was great to meet a few of you.Hi,to Helen and Liz, Mark and family, Paul and Carol, to name but a few. Our next visit will not be until mid Dec. We are emailing our concerns about the unfinished health centre, leaks in the pool and other things which we identified on our recent visit. We are in block 4 no. 7 interested in getting english satellite and email/wifi system setup for use. "
Last Updated: 9/10/2008 7:34:41 PM
Lifetime Views: 4463

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