07 Nov 2008 12:00 AM:
Just to let folks now about a scam thats operating on roads from the port and maybe elsewhere
I was driving from bilbao in my english reg car on a toll road when a black A3 audi drove along side of me with two smart looking men inside, the one in the passengers side showed what looked like a police badge and told me to pull over which I did as I was doing about 130 mph. He then got out of his car and said that he was looking for drugs. He searched the wife's handbag looked in the car then asked if there was anything in my pockets all I had was my wallet with over 1k sterling which he looked at and passed me my wallet back with all the money in, he then asked to look at our passports and asked some questions then with a change of tone in his voice asked if the money I had was fake I said no he then asked to see it again so I took the money out and passed it to him he looked again and asked me to get out of the car and follow him to his car soon as I was out of the car he was getting into his YOU PROBLEY KNOW WHATS COMMING NEXT yes he wound down his window looked and waved as he drove off with my money . PLEASE DO NOT STOP FOR ANYBODY unless they are in marked police cars then still be carefull. Luckly it was only money that can be replaced your Life cant.
Robbed while driving from Bilbao