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bigchesterboy's latest forum comments

08 Mar 2011 11:40 PM:

sir. at least you read it carefully, shame you didn´t unerstand (sic) it. maybe reply to it with a valid point.

Thread: 900 euro speeding fine

08 Mar 2011 11:26 PM:

peteha, why don´t you just post an articulate reply to my post?

Thread: 900 euro speeding fine

08 Mar 2011 10:29 PM:

some interesting comments here, and a lot of sanctimonius drivel from some posters, namely peteha, nitram and fpegman. EOS team and foxbat make useful and articulate points.

my take is this - speeding alone does not cause accidents, bad driving does. bad driving consists of many factors, tailgating, inappropiate speed (bad weather, bad car, bad weather etc) poor lane discipline, lack of awareness, poor judgement, taking risks and general lack of commen sense. anyone who says they never break a speed limit is telling a porky. and if I am wrong on this point then they are a supremely bad driver as they spend more time looking at the speedo than the road. i believe people who drive fast in residential areas, near schools and in towns are idiots, i believe we should have 30kmh speed limits in these areas. but to say that 140kmh on an empty motorway, in perfect conditions in a good car is dangerous to you and others is simply wrong. When ridculous fines of 900€ are levied on people driving on empty motorways it smacks of only one thing - revenue ahead of safety. try putting a camera near a school instead and make a real contribution towards road safety.

Thread: 900 euro speeding fine


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