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biljim's latest forum comments

11 Aug 2013 9:06 PM:

Your not the first to make comment on the sound. Time I sorted it - gracias.

I've attached here the second in the series, hope you find this audio track more fitting


Thread: The Costas' Best Towns and Cities

10 Aug 2013 2:43 PM:

Hi - well I've been here in Estepona since the mid 1980's and the place has gone from strength to strength over that time. I used to be in video production and so my present hobby is recording  month by month, a year of Ex Pat life here. I've attached the intro clip and if anyone wants to learn more, here you go...

Well actually I've just been stoped from including the link to my website. I'm told I can't do that until my account has been approved. I wonder when that will be - been a member now for ages

Thread: The Costas' Best Towns and Cities


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biljim' blogs

The Survive and Thrive blog
"If you want to discuss ideas worth pondering and actions worth taking - bienvenidos!"
Last Updated: 10/11/2010 11:07:50 PM
Lifetime Views: 16092

The Future of Food
"The global food supply intustry is doomed - here's why..."
Last Updated: 10/20/2010 11:40:50 AM
Lifetime Views: 15753

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