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02 Jul 2016 11:37 AM:

The UK is a country which comprises England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The UK Govt held a referendum on the 23rd June 2016 and the majority of voters elected to leave the European Union. 

Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the City of London have  certain powers bestowed on them by the UK Govt  which allows them to make certain legislation applicable to their individual circumstances. These powers are known as "Devolved". We might recall some of the matters Scotland has for example ruled on, Education, Taxes to mention a couple. 

However, the UK Govt in Westminster has ultimate sovereignty over all " Reserved" matters which affect the UK. It is only  thie Parliament at Westminster who can deal with "Reserved" matters. For the record it needs to be appreciated that Foreign Affairs, Immigration legislation is the sole remit of Westminster and no one else.

The SMP can shout all they want about the outcome of the referendum but they have no sovereign power to change it. Yes they can sit in their seats in Westminster and contribute to the debate but they are powerless to act in isolation. Mrs Sturgeon got that message loud and clear during her recent trip to Brussels.

Scotland can of course hold another referendum to try and gain independence and if successful could apply to join the EU. Unfortuately for them at the momemnt they have voted to Leave. 

Thread: The legal position of the Brexit Vote

16 Sep 2012 6:02 PM:

 I live in Spain and have a residency card. However, I pay full UK tax on my pension, it cannot be paid tax free in Spain. If I go back to the UK am I entitled to free non emergency medical care.

Thread: 2 major questions resulting from changes in Residency requirements and Healthcare


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Overseas Remembrance
"The formation of an organisation that exists to honour and pay respect to those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom and democracy and who continue to fight oppression and tyranny. To provide assistance and advice to ex-pats living in Spain."
Last Updated: 5/29/2008 11:03:00 PM
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