27 Jun 2012 11:16 PM:
Hi I have a problem and would appreciate some advice. Three of our down stairs neighbours have decided to to install a sattalite dish upstairs on our private solarium, I have no objections to satalite dishes but do not when using my solarium want to sit and look at a 1.4 metre dish, there are other alternative places to put this ie higher up, well above eye level. when I was told they were going to install the dish I requested they wait until I arrived in Spain two weeks lated to discuss a possible alternative, when I arrived they had had it installed anyway. they feel they have got round this by saying the stairwell leading to the solarium is a community stairwell, and put the dish on the wall slightly to the left of the dividing wall a small wall dividing my solarium to the next door neighbour the huge dish is really in our faces pointing in our direction at a low level. The neighbour whos wall it is attached has not been round for a while. what do I do. can I say I cannot confirm this but when walking around the other apartments in the community there are half a dozen of these large dishes but they are all on the roof tops or at a high level in not so a obvious position, I cannot understand why some one could be so awkward, to I have any rights at all?