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22 Oct 2008 9:08 PM:

Thank you Maria for all your advice

And everyone else - 

They say though that San Jose will only reverse the contract if we agree not to claim the interest, so if it is the Bank that pays the interest, why is it being written into the reversal of the contract??   Which is the best, to wait for the decision of the court or claim  on the Bank guarantee, bearing in mind, I only have a copy, which is dated for 2008 (although some are saying the date is irrelevant - its still a worry when its all you've got!)

Would love to know what others in the same position as us are doing!

Thread: Abusive bank guarantee - solicitor tells me to accept it!

20 Oct 2008 12:39 PM:

We are buying with San Jose, and we too have had an email from the Lawyer highly recommending to "reverse the contract" and claim via the Bnak Guarantee, even though our BG is only a copy, and expired in April 2008.  

This is our second Lawyer, went with one on here that everyone was recommending. 

What the hell do we do for the best, this situation is a nightmare

Thread: Abusive bank guarantee - solicitor tells me to accept it!


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