¿Quien es casalinda?

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Soy... una mujer

Sobre mi... I am a lively 60+ woman who has been moving here for nearly 10 years but now lives in Las Alpujarras permanently. My partner and I enjoy motorbiking, wrtiting, gardening, cooking and many other things.

Vivo en... Las Alpujarras

Me gusta... As listed above +++

Trabajo de... Retired

casalinda's latest forum comments

21 Sep 2015 3:07 PM:

Our problem is not here in Spain but hiring a car in the UK. Our old UK address was not acceptable to Europcar in 2014 (we had sold the house & paid no community charge) , but a Spanish licence and address would have been fine.

I posted a letter today to DVLA customer services asking for application forms for Certificates of Entitlement, which seem to be necessary before Trafíco can proceed.

Thread: Switching to a Spanish driving licence

21 Sep 2015 9:59 AM:

Thank you Roberto. Most useful post provided here!

Thread: Switching to a Spanish driving licence

20 Sep 2015 7:46 PM:

Thanks for the replies. Can anyone itemise the process...is it Trafíco & form-filling, some sort of eyesight test, then wait for Trafíco and or the post?

Thread: Switching to a Spanish driving licence

20 Sep 2015 12:02 PM:

Last time we were in the UK we were turned down at the last minute (literally) from collecting our hire car because both of our plastic licences had old, non-residential UK addresses on them. Apparently a Spanish licence and address would have been OK, even though they said their policy was 'to prevent us from disappearing with the hire car.' Two pensioners with family in the UK and British bank accounts...I don't think so!!!

Anyone done this recently in Andalucía? What was the procedure?

Thread: Switching to a Spanish driving licence

07 Sep 2015 1:18 PM:

I used to be part of the NHS and I know how wimpish that organisation can be sometimes...it's 15 years since we tried to introduce no smoking in mental health institutions, prisons etc. and even hospitals were reluctant...the e-cigarette is better than nothing (no tar etc) but nothing would be a real achievement!!!

Thread: Smoking In Spain


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Biking & Baking in Las Alpujarras
"We've been in Spain for over 4 years now - plus 4 motorbikes - and a horse - join us for the ride!"
Last Updated: 12/2/2014 3:38:22 PM
Lifetime Views: 283775

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