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charlie11's latest forum comments

18 Jul 2017 5:07 PM:

Have found the URL but still not sure whether to go ahead and sign up for the Google adsense?? Has anyone any experience with using it and any advice please?


Thread: Google Ads on blogs

12 Jul 2017 1:21 PM:

Can anyone please help me? I started several blogs back in 2011 about our journey to Spain.  I have been reading on this website about adding Google Ads to perhaps make some money but when I go to the Google site it asks me to put in a URL.  I have tried putting eyeonspain.com but it comes back with a message that adsense is not available for this URL.  Am I putting the wrong URL or have they stopped the ads for Eye on Spain altogether?  Does anyone know please?




Thread: Google Ads on blogs

03 Jan 2012 12:00 AM:

Hi guys,

well we need your help,does anyone know of a general medical centre or normal not private doctors surgery -+in fuengirola? We both know where the local hospital is however we both been struck down with this horrible long term bug around not hospital cases (yet) and need some anti biotics from a normal doctors. Does anyone know where and how we sign on to a regular not private doctors? We have social security and nie numbers but cannot seem to find where to register or how to do it.Any help gratefully recieved.

Thread: need your help people

29 Nov 2011 12:00 AM:

We applied for and received social security numbers. These were on a sheet of paper. Does anybody know if we should be receiving an actual card with this number on it? 

Thread: Social Security Card?

22 Nov 2011 12:00 AM:

Can anybody help please?

I am trying to find out LEGALLY how many hours per day you are supposed to work in Spain.  If anybody knows please advise asap!

Thread: Hours Per Day??


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Hindsight is a wonderful thing!
"Our story from the Uk to Spain. How & why we´re here."
Last Updated: 6/25/2011 5:42:08 PM
Lifetime Views: 46283

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