29 Dec 2007 5:41 PM:
Unfortunately I have never received any interest.......
But so far as wealth tax is concerned the 214 form only has space for two numbers valor and deudas which I have interpreted as total assets and total liabilities.
Since the post by fibbyUK i have googled various sites which make it clear that all Spanish assets owned by a non resident are caught including boats!
What are my assets **
These includes; Bank accounts, stocks and shares, investments, share in a business, gold, cars, yachts, aeroplanes, works of art and jewellery.
Wealth Tax (Impuesto sobre el patrimonio) |
- Taxable event: holding Spanish assets on the 31st December
- Taxable amount: the value of Spanish assets held
- Tax rate: varies between 0.2% and 2.5%
- Tax allowance: any debts associated with the assets can be used to offset the “wealth”calculation
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