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Soy... una mujer

Vivo en... costa del sol - Mijas Costa

Me gusta... Read my blog: Moving to Mijas Costa

Mi firma en el foro es...

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cornish-geri's latest forum comments

17 Sep 2010 1:08 AM:

 Hi Nigela,

the majority of users on here are right, as to say that bank to bank do differ in what they offer in terms of banking here in spain, and spain does not offer free banking for non-residents.  

From my experience, with Santander, You have to pay annual fee for having the account, a fee for having a ATM card.

I would like to ask has anyone come across recently  on their statements "settlement contract"...????   i wondered what this was and went to ask at the local branch....  it turns out that each time you use your card in a shop to pay for groceries etc..  they charge 50 cents and at the end of the month every 50c gets added up and taken off your balance.  So if you use your card alot then this will soon add up.  Has anyone else come across this ?????     Please let me know as i was unaware of this and the bank do not tell you and it was not stated in the T&C at outset on opening the account.

Also if you at any time become a resident you still have to pay their charges, unless you meet certain citeria, ie - having wages paid in or hold savings with them or shares etcc...  (this is santander), i dont know about other banks but i am shocked that in spain the banks charge so much.

hopes this helps and would appreciate anyone who can answer my query. 

Many Thanks


Thread: Best Spanish Bank for UK residents

17 Sep 2010 12:52 AM:

 Hi, depending on what part of the coast you are in, there is a company called Y-internet, who cover most parts of the coast (i was in Mijas Costa) and they offer wireless broadband and telephone service .  They are really nice people and offer good value. 

They have a website y-internet.com



Thread: No ADSL cable - what option for internet connection?

20 Mar 2010 12:16 PM:

 Problem Solved...  Thank you.

Thread: Private Messages!

20 Mar 2010 11:59 AM:

 sorry - previous thread should be for "forum Help"  

but if anyone can assist - thank you

Thread: Private Messages!

20 Mar 2010 11:57 AM:

 Help needed...

I am trying to add a photo to my profile....  it lets me choose my pic but  does not give me the option of uploading it..???  i click on save changes and it says all updated but its not changed at all.

I have a Mac - do you think this is the problem...  can anyone help ..



Thread: Private Messages!


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