¿Quien es davell?

Send davell a private message

Soy... un hombre

Sobre mi... 50 yr old, married, retired.

Vivo en... County Durham, England

Me gusta... Golf, DIY, Family

Trabajo de... Retired printer

Mi firma en el foro es...

Jardines One, and happy.

davell's latest forum comments

28 Mar 2013 6:27 PM:

Does anyone know where I can get a sofa and two chairs re covered in plastic Rattan.
The existing covering has perished and is coming away from metal frame which is in good condition.
I am in Mazarron area but prepared to travel.

Thread: Re cover garden furniture

12 Dec 2010 9:09 PM:

What is going on? Really are an imature bunch, what has this got to do with build quality? Try buildind bridges before it is too late.

Thread: Build Quality?


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