What a strange reply !!!!!! Nobody is saying that the driver themselves are Spanish you hav no way of knowing.
But the tendency in Spain is to ignore the rules (if indeed there are any) As I speak a car has driven up my street in the wrong direction (one way) a daily occurrence.. do the police notice I think not !!!
But excuse me whilst I get on with my sheltered life !!!!!
As has been mentioned nobody can be sure that the "offenders" are actually Spanish but the trend in Spain is any or all of the following;
1. It does not matter what speed the car in front is doing... YOU MUST overtake it at all costs.
2. The Spanish are excellent at building roundabouts... we do not necessarily have to learn how to use them
3. Traffic lights are merely a suggestion
4. One way streets do not apply to "me"
5. I know I have to have indicators on my car BUT WHY !!!
6. Who gives a toss about pedestrian crossings
Believe who or what you like I haven´t the remotest interest-
Make of it what you will
Fine if you are happy with it then its your call.
All I know is I got a very perfunctory reply to my enquiry ... maybe he was having a bad day