06 Jun 2015 12:34 PM:
Are you sure of the interests for your personal loan (3.6%) seems very low to me. In Spain most of the bank will lend you the money at a floating interest rate based on the euribor on which they will add a premium (typically Euribor + 2%) with a minimum of 3.5% in al and a maximum of around 12%l.
Currently the Euribor is at 0.2% so you would pay the minimum for the first year. However, the Euribor will not increase in the near future (next coming years) since the situation in Greece and other south European countries have not improved.
So if you really can get 3.6% on your personal loan, you have the safety of knowing your interest for the duration of your loan and you will not be taking any risks to see the interests raise.
Loan for a new property