¿Quien es donna773?

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Soy... una mujer

Sobre mi... I'm a former Daily Express, Daily Mirror and Daily Star staff sub-editor and writer

Vivo en... Guardamar, Costa Blanca

Me gusta... Dining out with interesting people, theatre and all sports

Trabajo de... Retired Editor of The Courier, a popular weekly newspaper for expats based near Torrevieja

Mi firma en el foro es...





donna773's latest forum comments

25 Dec 2012 4:49 PM:

 A switch to Corvera will cost the airlines virtually all their passengers from the Torrevieja area. I live near Guardamar and my family and friends use both El Altet and San Javier at present . El Altet is perhaps 10km nearer but San Javier is far more peaceful and thankfully devoid of the 'kiss me quick'' stag and hen night fraternity (I'm a  grumpy old gran, remember). On the map, Corvera looks at the very least an hour's run from my place - twice as long as it takes me to get to Alicante. So it looks like no contest.. What time's the next bus to Benidorm?

Thread: Corvera confusion

23 Mar 2011 2:16 AM:

I have every sympathy and only wish I had known about your experience before I wrote this article...


Thread: Ryanair latest scam - beware Dutch nationals

13 Jan 2011 12:31 AM:

As a matter of interest, is smoking banned in children's playgounds in the UK? I don't remember ever hearing of it - but then again I doubt that addicted smokers would observe it any more than the death-wish fools who light up outside hospital entrances, ignoring signs saying smoking is banned anywhere in the hospital grounds (some of them, unbelievably, in-patients in dressing gowns with breathing problems). It's a disgrace that outpatients have to walk through a haze of smoke just to get into my local hospital. Help, I feel another Grumpy Gran rant coming on...

Thread: smoking ban

12 Jan 2011 9:00 PM:

I have always been dubious as to whether a smoking ban would ever be observed in Spain - and I am already beginning to sense the beginnings of a revolt. I've been in the UK since just before Christmas and am wondering what to expect when I get home to Guardamar the week after next. I have a perfect solution to the argument about walls and awnings etc. Just ban smoking in ALL public places, full stop. If it was restricted to consenting adults in private (i.e. behind locked and sealed doors), I reckon life expectancy would go up by five years.

The other solution is this...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUimx-kwY2k


Thread: smoking ban

03 Jan 2011 10:41 AM:

Just written a piece about the first day of the smoking ban which people may find of interest (and maybe not!)

It's on my Life With A Spanish Flavour blog (http://www.eyeonspain.com/blogs/donnagee2.aspx)

Thread: smoking ban


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