05 May 2018 10:42 AM:
Each year i go online and just acept the calculations as they already have my income and tax deductions shown so i just acept and recieve a refund into my bank account the following week . This year there is nothing shown other than my allowances . Box 0001 income is blank , no idea why as my nominals for the 12 months of 2017 show each month my income to be around €150 before deductions and Tax retention of around €8 per month as always . Each year i check the totals for income and Tax retention against the amounts shown and they are always smack on so why would there be nothing showing this year . Is it possible i accidentaly selected New Rena rather than continue then saved it and have now lost everything , seems unlikly but thats the only explination that would make sense . If that was the case is there any way that i can retrieve them as i cant submit a return showing no icome as that would make it a false decliration , i would also loose the refund . Any advice or help would be very much appreciated .
Web Renta anomaly