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Soy... una mujer

Sobre mi... I lived in Spain for 5 years and am now back in the UK

Mi firma en el foro es...

My account of moving to Spain.  http://www.eyeonspain.com/blogs/olives.aspx"><img


eggcup's latest forum comments

30 Apr 2016 9:48 AM:

Just had two of these as private messages:


30/04/2016 02:48:00, zshania sent to eggcup



Hello Dear 
     Its really a pleasure to write today please contact me back through my email address.   misshaniajawara@hotmail.com

Thread: Attention of EOS team re spam messages

21 Apr 2016 5:42 PM:

Just a quicky.

Does anyone know if this still goes on as I would like to go this Sunday?


Thread: Almunecar rastro

21 Mar 2016 7:17 PM:

Thanks. Rather than wrangle with the company for any missing vests - I understand it's one per person - I may also take some in the handluggage as you suggest. Thanks.

Was there anything about bulbs and/or breathalyser kits - or was that France?


Thread: who is Traficos governing body

21 Mar 2016 3:38 PM:


Sorry to hijack the thread, but I am popping over to Spain soon and haven't been for a while. Can someone remind me what the list of things is that one needs in one's hire car - number of triangles, vests etc? I'm sick of getting screwed over by the Guardia Civil in Andalucia.

Thread: who is Traficos governing body

06 Feb 2016 7:52 PM:

Thanks, Mark. That's a good link. I didn't know CGT was 19% - I thought it was about 28% - so that will be good when I eventually manage to flog my Spanish properties (hopefully within my lifetime...)er

Re whether to pay tax on rentals in the UK or Spain, I don't think there would be much in it for me, although for many it could be cheaper to pay in Spain if they pay 40 or 45% tax in the UK... If we have a choice - which, as I say, I'm not sure about


Thread: New law for private rentals in Andalucia


Communities eggcup has joined

eggcup' blogs

Landlord Blues: Renting out the house from hell
"I am using this blog to publish extracts from my third book on the subject of dealing with tenants from hell. The aim of the book and blog is to give people an insight into what the life of a landlord can be like and to provide tips for making landlords’ lives easier. This is done by describing real experiences of our worst-case scenarios. This should help you avoid getting into the same fixes."
Last Updated: 6/1/2014 2:36:13 PM
Lifetime Views: 132727

Obsessing about money
"I often think about money – who doesn’t? – and I now feel like sharing some of my thoughts with others to see whether anyone else on the planet has the kind of thoughts that whirl around in my head. I thus welcome thoughtful comments on this blog (no insults please)."
Last Updated: 11/5/2013 9:44:25 AM
Lifetime Views: 11875

Arguing about all sorts: the third year of our Spanish adventure
"This account of our life in Spain is loosely based on true events although names and identifying details have been changed to protect the privacy of individuals. I have tried to recreate events, locales and conversations from my memories and from my diaries of the time. I may have also changed identifying characteristics and details of individuals such as appearance, nationality or occupations and characters are often an amalgam of different people that I met. "
Last Updated: 9/7/2014 1:35:37 PM
Lifetime Views: 191402

Thoughts of Eggcup
"I find myself wondering about things sometimes and want to see if others feel the same."
Last Updated: 9/5/2015 8:22:54 PM
Lifetime Views: 46794

eggcup's rentals

eggcup's properties for sale

Spain insurance services

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