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Sobre mi... EU Property Solutions offer professional assistance and advice in all areas of European property. We can help provide strategies and solutions to solve problematic property issues, negotiate with lenders on debts, help reclaim lost deposits

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EU Property Solutions p: +44 (0) 330 124 1230 www.eupropertysolutions.com

eupropertysolutions's latest forum comments

15 May 2020 1:23 PM:

Good afternoon Tomcondado.

In relation to your question below, Community fees are paid ultimately for the benefit of all owners, without payments a community cannot afford to maintain upkeep of key areas which ultimately are a key factor in renting or using your property. As with everything, we are seeing due to this pandemic, some support should be given and everyone must consider a "haircut". 

No rental and no use cannot simply mean no community fees but a reduction should be discussed and your appropriate president should be questioned and address the matter to the whole community. 

Hope this helps. :)

EU Property Solutions

Thread: Community fees


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EU Property Solutions- Experts in all Spanish property issues
"EU Property Solutions offer professional assistance and advice in all areas of European property in particular, Spain. We can help provide strategies and solutions to solve problematic property issues, negotiate with lenders on debts, help reclaim lost deposits on unfinished developments and help with repossessions and mortgage arrears across Europe. We have offices in London, Belfast and Spain. "
Last Updated: 12/17/2021 2:56:16 PM
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