12 Jul 2012 11:23 PM:
Hi everybody
I am new on here, I hope I will find good advise on here:)
need a little advise (nothin too specific, just some opinion / real practical stuff..)
I am in the middle of registering me car (registered in CZ) here in Gran Canaria, got almost everything finished - but the Traffico in Las Palmas requires one more thing - the DUA document.
I talked to a local gestoria and they gave me some advise, what companies can help me to obtain this document (as we arrived on Acciona ferrie 6 months ago). I had a luck with one company in Las Palmas and they are almost finished with it - though they require me to send them Padron. I went to local town hall in order to register on Padron, but before I get the certificate from them I must obtain a Civil RESIDENCIA in Police... In police they told me, I have to wait 2 weeks before I can apply... The transport company (for the DUA) will have to wait a week yet I presume. ANyway, after obtaining the padron certificate the DUA wont cost me anything (as the IGIC tax wont be aplicable as its my first year in here...
anyway - my question is:
after registration in police and obtaining Civil residencia -> I become a fiscal resident too I presume (it happens anyway if I spend here more than 183 days a year if im corect? ) -> and I want to know:
I do NOT work here, noir plan to work here...I do NOT have income here in any way (even no interest from having my saved money in CZ account as the only I gain is obligatory to pay €6 monthly to the bank for having that account - so I basicaly lose money there), as we are living from my saved earned money from another country from before... only income I could have might be in the future some money sent me by my family as a gift, but not sure now...
and I need to know - If I there is some money subject to tax in my case?? I read some stories about government bein sending threatening letters to non-residents and residents who registered on padron though havent made any tax declarations etc ->
and I would like to avoid anythin like that - I want to be here legally -> what should I do after one year of living from saved expenses / or money sent as a gift?
btw I read somewhere that anythin below €8 000/year is not subject to tax -> -> jsut in case I was curious - if family send you less than €6 000 a year - is there also any subject to tax?
SHould I simply file a tax declaration with 0 incomes? to be safe? or??
Any answer will be appriciated
thank you
This message was last edited by evelyn01 on 12/07/2012.
civil residency -> gift tax -> and tax :)