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08 Jun 2017 12:47 PM:

Thanks for the information. Very much appreciated. 

The reason I was looking for private healthcare, and ideally wanting to get this set up BEFORE we move on 1 July, is because a Gestor suggested that it was essential to have healthcare set-up before we could apply for residency. 

Can anyone verify that? 

(Not sure if this also makes any difference, but... At present, I am the only one with a NIE; my wife and children will apply for theirs when we apply for residency.)

My apologies in advance if I'm asking questions with obvious answers. 

Thread: Recommendations for Private Healthcare for Expat Family

06 Jun 2017 9:33 PM:

My wife works remotely for a company in the UK (paid in to a UK bank account), but at present, I am unemployed (and have no plans to work until Sept/Oct). 

We can provide prove of income and bank statements.

Am I correct in thinking that we are therefore not entitled to public health service in Spain? 

Thread: Recommendations for Private Healthcare for Expat Family

05 Jun 2017 6:41 PM:

We move to Spain on 1 July. 

I understand that in order to get our residency, we must demonstrate that we have sufficient health cover. 

We are a healthy family of four (aged 38, 31, 8 and 7) and have no pre-existing conditions. We're moving to Alhaurin de la Torre in Malaga province. 

Does anybody have a recommendation for a healthcare provider / health insurance? 

Thread: Recommendations for Private Healthcare for Expat Family

09 May 2017 10:46 AM:

Thanks for the advice. 

The quotes from shiply have been better value than I expected; certainly cheaper than other quotes I have received elsewhere. 

Jarvi - I'm reluctant to buy a van, register it, sell it, only to buy another vehicle. It seems like it would be too much hassle at a time when there will be a lot of other things going on. I appreciate the advice though.

CARS - Slightly off-topic here, but is there a best place online to look for cars in Spain (or Spanish-registered cars) similar to autotrader and gumtree? 

Further, would anyone advise against bringing our UK car (right hand drive) to Spain and registering it? I've spent a lot of time driving on the continent (in both LHD and RHD cars) so I appreciate that a RHD car isn't ideal in the long term, but our car is extremely ecomincal and reliable, and would make a great runaround or short term vehicle.

Thread: Seeking Advice on Transportation of Belongings to Spain

08 May 2017 3:17 PM:

We are moving to Alhaurin el Grande, Malaga in July (exact date not confirmed) from Middlesbrough, north-east England. 

The goods we are taking with us will likely fit in to a short wheelbase Transit van. The bulkiest things being 3x adult bikes and a mattress.

What is the best option for moving?

1. Professional removals company: We will box our goods up, but they collect and drop-off our belongings.

2. Buying a left-hand drive car (Citroen Berlingo size) that is registered in Spain, plus a trailer, and keep this car as ours once the move is completed.

3. Hire a one-way van (collect in UK, then leave it in Spain).

At present, I am swaying toward option 2. We will need to buy a car once we arrive in Spain so this could essentially kill two birds with one stone.

Other factors: We are renting for initially until we find the right place to buy. We do not have NIE or residency yet (planning on sorting this once we are in Spain). 

What advice would you give?

Thread: Seeking Advice on Transportation of Belongings to Spain


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