20 May 2015 11:18 AM:
Your say you are not giving specific advice but ' Do NOT buy an annuity NOW', is that not specific.
For various reasons it may still be good advice to purchase an annuity, for instance, as you mentioned, people may have some health isssues and this can, dependant on the issues, quite substantially increase the annuity rate.
For older pension plans a Guaranteed Annuity Rate might be included. With these the annuity rate can quiteeasily be double or more.
Further there is an investment risk to all Drawdown contracts and it may be that absolute secutirty of income is needed, maybe not with the whole pension pot but with a proportion of it to provide a base income to cover ongoing outgoings.
I do agree though that any one in this situation should seek professional advice even though fees will be involved.
Cashing in a pension.