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foresternige's latest forum comments

05 Jul 2016 8:50 AM:

Hi all, we have arrived in Northern Spain with a self drive van load.

there was around a belingo sized amount of stuff we couldn't fit in, so I want to get some quotes for shipping it to Galicia or Bilbao etc. I will have to weigh this up against driving a belingo over with the cost of ferry or drive through France. 


Any suggested companies or starting points?




Thread: Recommended shipping company/route for leftovers

18 Feb 2016 9:42 PM:

Hi, yup i clicked on the chain icon and put in the URL but I got an error saying my account needed to bE approved before I could put any links in my posts...

Thread: How do we get 'approved' to be able to post links in forum posts?

18 Feb 2016 7:14 PM:


Thread: How do we get 'approved' to be able to post links in forum posts?

18 Feb 2016 3:53 PM:

Thanks guys for your replys and advice / links.  Much appreciated.

I'm going to try to do some calculations to see how much I think our load may be.


Anyone have any insight on the Spain side though?  Any experience with obvious UK hire vans on spanish roads having problems from bandits or police?

Thread: Self drive - weight limits and police fining brits

11 Feb 2016 12:23 PM:

Hi there all, does anyone have a more up to date view on self-drive vans to/from spain, and the issue of weight limits and police fines etc?

One removals company have a horror story/scare page and I am wondering how much to worryabout it : I wouldn't want to endanger myself or other road users by being dangerously overweight of course, so perhaps I could go to a weigh bridge before I leave the UK on the way to the ferry?  

3w's   dot     bmceuropean    dot     com     slash     one-way-van-hire-spain-uk     (all the cases quoted are a few years old now)


But given I will in July be in an obvious UK hire van (I wondered about covering up the signs on the panels/rear doors/bonnet somehow), how much should I worry about weights and police?

I won't be moving any white goods which I assume would contribute to the weight issue, and I'm only taking a LWB or SWB transit, not a Luton.  But I will have lots of weight I would think, from books and some timber and garden pot plants, and a sideboard etc.


Thanks for any tips or advice.  or warnings.


Anyone know a public access weigh bridge near Portsmouth?


And FYI/BTW I'll be just driving along the north coast from Santander to La Coruna.




Thread: Self drive - weight limits and police fining brits


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A family moves from the UK to Galicia
"It's all about the family. And the sea, and the wine, and the food.... A family moving to start a new chapter, and a Spanish family reunited after many years apart. We are planning towards a move to Galica, to live with my wife's parents and aunts/uncles and to give ourselves a new life away from exorbitant UK property prices and council tax.... This blog is about our research and planning, and then about the move, and then about our new life as ex-pats/new residents."
Last Updated: 1/11/2017 6:46:12 PM
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