04 Jun 2012 7:02 PM:
Looking at this closer, I am classed as a Rentista (person who lives off the income from investments). For this category they want the following:
Certificado Bancario (referencia pensíon mínima de €619)
Seguro médico privado, que cubra todos los riesgos en España
As we already pay into the Valencian Health system, it has been suggested that we use the letter/contract granting that service, along with proof of payment of the last quota.
However, the majority of my income is paid in England and taxed there, being property. So it will be difficult for the bank to say how much my income is, because I only ever bring money over, as and when I need it.
I think I may just sit this one out and not bother applying
New administrative requirements for the EU member state residence certificate