¿Quien es gerrryuk?

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Soy... un hombre

Sobre mi... retired in 2011. My dream for 40 years has been to live in Spain. Look at my Blog & see where I want to live & where I now live.

Vivo en... Mezquitilla, near Torrox Axarquia late Cannock England

Me gusta... Sport, Malaga CF, Laptop, Television , Current Affairs, Conversation, Enjoying life.

Trabajo de... Retired

Mi firma en el foro es...

Do unto others as you would want them to do to you. I am always willing to talk and converse to ladies or gents in a sensible way.

gerrryuk's latest forum comments

26 Nov 2014 7:44 PM:

Blumey Matt that was 2 years ago & I have not written on this site for a long time as my blog was infested with trolls. Anyway the move went very well as we took a different path in that my wife obtained British Citizenship so the move was easy, But a lot of water has gone under the bridge since then...........


Thread: EU Citizen (UK) & none EU Citizen wife (Thai) coming permanently to Spain.

20 Aug 2014 10:26 AM:

Thanks for your help Kevin and yes we did meet last night (she bought me dinner, Thai of course!) and she id now happy that we do everything in London. I will call them, make an appointment and fly to London whence we will meet up somewhere close, or even at the Embassy and hopefully get it done. Sounds to easy, I wonder!

Thread: Is their a Royal Thai Embassy in Malaga?

18 Aug 2014 11:47 PM:

She is going to live in England next month Kevin, but we are now on amicable terms. 

I, in fact, am now think it may possibly be better to leave it until she is in England & then both visit the Royal Thai Embassy in London who I know after several dealings when we lived in England.



This message was last edited by gerrryuk on 18/08/2014.

This message was last edited by gerrryuk on 18/08/2014.
Thread: Is their a Royal Thai Embassy in Malaga?

18 Aug 2014 10:54 AM:

Thank you Julian, but it is not a visa I am after it is a mutual divorce. Takes about 30 minutes in Bangkok at an Amphur with both parties and all the paperwork and copies available but don't fancy the two flight costs!

Incidentally Mark Porral's mobile number has now "expired" as I did try  to contact him.

I have now written to the Royal Thai Embassy in Madrid asking for their advice and a possible appointment, but you know the Thai's - on a par with the Spanish - you have to get it right. 

Thread: Is their a Royal Thai Embassy in Malaga?

17 Aug 2014 5:43 PM:

I know that there is an Embassy in Madrid but is there one in Malaga or at least closer than Madrid.

Or else it might be cheaper to fly to London.

Thanks in advance


Thread: Is their a Royal Thai Embassy in Malaga?


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Was going to Spain from start to finish but now I, Luca have taken over
"Was about researching about where to look & about living in Spain I am here. So was for anyone interested here are the good & bad things that happened to me. But now I (Luca) will tell you about my experiences, both very bad, better and good."
Last Updated: 4/30/2014 2:22:59 PM
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