22 Aug 2014 12:17 PM:
Hi all, just wondering if anyone could advise the legality of the following please,
we have just received an email from our administrators of our community giving us quite a lengthy list of the internal rules of the community, these have been sent to every owner, at the top of the rules it states that if rules are broken there will be conscequences firstly a verbal warning, secondly written warning and thirdly a vote by the governing body which will possibly result in the person being refused use of the community facilities.
Could anyone clarify if this is legal or not.Some of the internal rules seem a little over the top for example restricting owners to only be able to take out their rubbish to the external bins outside the complex at certain times of the day and only at these times. Not hanging towels over balconies just silly little things which seem rather petty,
Could anyone please advise many thanks
Internal rules of a community